Wild Hog Boneless Loin

wild pig backstrap

ojo marinade is a zesty Cuban marinade that adds brightness and delicious flavors. In this video and recipe we use a loin from a wild hog, but you can apply this technique and lesson to fresh store bought pork as well. A marinade adds moisture and a depth of flavor. The moisture is particularly important when cooking wild game as game meat is very lean and can be easy to dry out if not handled correctly. Pork loins and tenderloins are one of the easiest things to cook and I often refer to them as a blank canvas. You can marinade and season them so many different ways to appease you taste and they cook relatively quickly making this a great weeknight meal option.

Meat Church How To YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/--5BerQxVa4

Other Meat Church pork loin recipes:

Pork Tenderloin 3 ways: https://www.meatchurch.com/blogs/recipes/pork-tenderloin

Whole Pork Loin: https://www.meatchurch.com/blogs/recipes/whole-pork-loin


Pork Loin

Prepare your smoker 
Prepare your smoker at a temperature of 250. In this video we used a Mill Scale offset smoker with post oak. Mesquite, hickory or pecan would also be a good choices.  

Prepare marinade
Freshly squeeze the citrus.

mojo marinade

Combine all ingredients and stir. Set aside.

Pork Loin

Prepare the loin
Using a sharp boning or filet knife, remove the silverskin from the loin. Silver skin and sinew cause gamey taste in meat. 

removing silverskin

Marinate the loin 
Place  the loin in a vacuum seal bag (for maximize flavor), ziplock bag or container. Place in the refrigerator for 2 hours up up to overnight. I think 4 hours is a good sweet spot for moisture and flavor. 

marinade pork loin

Remove the loin from the refrigerator after it has marinated. Rinse off and pat dry. 

Optionally, use butcher twine to tie the loin into an even cylinder for cooking.

Season moderately with Meat Church Lemon Pepper seasoning. Allow to adhere for at least 15 minutes.

Pork Loin

Cook the loin
Place the loin in the smoker. 

pork loin

Smoke until it reaches 140 degrees internal temperature. USDA recommends 145 for pork but this loin will carry over cook a few more degrees. If you using wild game it is critically important to pull the meat on time, otherwise it will dry out quickly if cooked to too high of an internal temperature.

pork loin

Remove the loin from the smoker, lightly tent with foil for 10 - 15 minutes to let the moisture redistribute throughout the meat. Slice and enjoy!

Pork Loin
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