Fajitas & Street Corn

 griddle fajitas

People are always asking me for easy, weeknight meal ideas. Cooking fajitas using marinated meat from local Mexican meat markets plus an easy side of street corn is one of the fastest, tastiest meals I can make my family.  If you do not have access to a Mexican meat market you can create you own marinade. 
We can never agree on beef or chicken in my house, so we make both in this recipe. Specifically on the chicken, I prefer thighs because of the flavor ad juiciness. In this recipe we griddle the fajitas, which can also be achieved by cooking in a cast iron skillet. Alternatively you can also directly grill this recipe.
Meat Church How To YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/4D9PfN-6zoI
More griddle videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLlcC6gl4PGLyUBOa0TDrygBJKT_BhSeN
Fajita Ingredients
    • 2 lbs of marinated beef or chicken from a Mexican meat market 
    • Meat Church Dia de la Fajita seasoning
    • 1 large onion, white or yellow, sliced 
    • 2 bell peppers, sliced
    • 2 T cooking oil or unsalted butter
    • 1 dozen fresh tortillas, flour or corn
    • Your favorite fajita toppings to taste
      • guacamole
      • sour cream or crema
      • cheese
      • pico de gallo, hot sauce or salsa
Street Corn Ingredients

Prepare the griddle 
Prepare the griddle or cast iron pan at medium heat or around 350. In this video we used a Traeger Flatrock Griddle to cook these fajitas.

Prepare the Fajitas
Cut the chicken into strips. You can skip this step if you prefer to grill them whole. However, I prefer to cook in strips to speed up the cooking process and also get char on all sides of the protein.


Cook the Fajitas
Pour the cooking oil on the griddle surface. After it's heated drop the protein down on the griddle and spread it out so as not to overcrowd and overlap it. If you are cooking chicken and beef separate and cook them separately.

Season lightly with Meat Church Dia de la Fajita seasoning

Toss the meat with a spatula every so often charring all sides. 

While the meat is cooking prepare the vegetables on another side of the griddle Place 2 pats of butter on the griddle.

Drop the onions and peppers in the melted butter.


Sauté for 8 - 10 minutes flipping and stirring regularly.


Remove and set aside. 

Cook the chicken to at least 165. Cook beef to your doneness preference. I cooked the beef to 140 in this video.

traeger griddle

Remove and set aside.

Build the Fajitas
Create fajitas to your liking. In this video we use fresh HEB butter flour tortillas with chicken and fajita meat, top with onions, peppers, guacamole, pico de gallo and cotija cheese. 


Cook the Street Corn
Place the butter on the griddle. Drop the corn in the melted butter.

street corn

Spread it out 100% so you can get char on as much as possible. Toss and stir regularly. Sauté to your liking which is usually 10 - 12 minutes for me. Remove and set aside. 

street corn

When you are ready to serve, season to taste with Meat Church Gourmet Lemon Pepper. Add crema, more butter if desired, cotija cheese and stir. Some folks like to add mayo. Top with more cotija cheese and garnish with cilantro. 



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