Making your own beef tallow is very simply and very useful. Tallow has so many uses such as wrapping or resting briskets in it. It is a great fat for cooking particularly in pans for sautéing. McDonalds used to fry their french fries in it. It has many non food uses such as skin care products and in candles. It has mechanical uses such as maintenance on cast iron pans, butcher blocks and cutting boards. It also can be used to wipe down smokers and griddles to prevent rust. If you are on the keto diet, tallow is considered a good fat. Beef tallow can last up to a year at room temperature in a sealed container in a cool, dark place away from air and heat sources. It can also be kept in the refrigerator for up to a year, or frozen indefinitely. Regular use can help maintain its freshness and quality.
Alternatively, if you do not have a smoker, this process can be mimicked in a crock pot on low or in your oven.
Video:Â https://youtu.be/2fcDj3klhS4
- Brisket fat from trimmings
- Aluminum foil pan
- Mason jars
- Paper towel
Prepare your smoker at 225 - 250 degrees. We used a Mill Scale offset smoker with post oak in this video.
Cut the fat into as small of pieces of possible making sure there is no meat at all on the fat.Â
Bonus: if you have a grinder, you can render even more tallow if you grind the fat prior to the next step.
Place the fat into an aluminum foil pan.
Place the pan in the smoker. Every hour or so remove the pan and strain the "liquid gold" over a paper towel in a mason jar.Â

After the jar is full, place it in the refrigerator where it will it will keep up to one year.Â