Blood Orange Margarita

Blood Orange Margarita

A Blood Orange Margarita is delicious and beautiful.

Blood oranges are in season from December to April. They are most flavorful and sweetest in January and February, so these are perfect for National Margarita Day that falls in February!


  • 2 oz blanco tequila 
  • 1 oz freshly squeezed blood orange juice
  • 3/4 oz freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1/2 oz agave nectar


  • Tajin for the rim (sub margarita salt)
  • blood orange wheel or wedge

Make the cocktail
Mix tequila, blood orange juice, lime juice and agave in an iced shaker cup.

Shake it at least 8 - 10 seconds. Switch hands, repeat the shaking.

Dress the of the glass with agave or lime juice. Rim it with Tajin. 

Add ice to the glass. Strain the cocktail over the ice. Garnish with a blood orange wheel. 


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